Shampa Chatterjee


Shampa Chatterjee

Software Engineer, Yoga Teacher

Interactive Discussion Panelist – IWEForum

Shampa Chatterjee. An IT professional, Shampa has been an avid yoga practitioner for over a decade. In 2014 Shampa decided to take her practice to the next level by completing a grueling 6 month yoga teacher training program under the auspices of Yoga Village in Scottsdale. Based upon Iyengar style of yoga, in her teaching style Shampa places a lot of focus on proper body alignment and correct form of the pose.

Since late 2014, while continuing her day job at American Express, Shampa has been teaching yoga at several locations in the valley. She continues to strengthen her own learning by seeking out teachers in various styles and different schools while creating her own unique style that she can offer her students.

TOPIC: Hollistic Wellness and Yoga.