Renu Navale


Renu Navale

Director- Intel

Keynote Speaker – IWEForum

Renu Navale has over twenty years of technical and business experience in software, telecommunications, networking, and wireless technologies. Most recently she was the Director of Ecosystem Programs, and is now the Chief of Staff and Technical Assistant to the Vice President of Network Platforms Groups at Intel. She has led global cross-disciplinary teams in strategic planning, marketing and software engineering initiatives. She is also a recipient of the Intel Achievement Award.

Renu holds an Executive MBA from the Thunderbird School of Global Management, a Master of Computer Science Degree from Arizona State University and a Bachelor of Computer Science Engineering Degree from Bangalore University, India. Renu is a passionate supporter of STEM education; she teaches computer science at a local high school as a volunteer and serves as a judge in school science and engineering fairs.

TOPIC: “Powers” critical for empowerment: There are several career smarts or skills or “Powers” that are critical to the process for empowering ourselves and others, focus is on three “Powers” that she has frequently used in her career that could provide to be useful to the others – regardless of type of profession or endeavor.